About – Minerals
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310 Old Santa Fe Trail,
Santa Fe NM 87501
The Oil, Gas, and Minerals Division of the State Land Office administers all oil and gas leases, including lease sales, assignments, compliance with lease terms, the review of on lease and off lease activity to determine potential impairment to Trust minerals, administration of the Reduced Royalty Program, and review of unit and communitization agreements. The Division also administers leases for minerals such as coal, salt, caliche, sand, gravel, potash, geothermal, and other mineral resources, other than oil and gas, to assure removal of the state’s resources while making sure any mined sites are properly reclaimed. These operations almost always involve water, and therefore the Division administers all fresh water and salt water disposal easements and is responsible for reviewing all salt water disposal applications that may impact State Trust lands. Together, all Bureaus work to make certain Trust assets are maximized and protected for future generations.