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  3. GIS FAQs
Do you need some help?

The quickest way to reach us is to contact us through the contact form on the website.

310 Old Santa Fe Trail,
Santa Fe NM 87501



I have some questions. How do I get in touch with you?
The best way to contact us is via e-mail. Our address is Please provide your contact information, including a phone number, so we can respond efficiently to any questions or issues.  We welcome comments and questions from our users.


Where can I get copies of your map data?
Much of the geospatial data maintained by the Land Office Geographic Information Center, including our trust land cadastre and many of our active lease types, is directly available for download from our Web site. The following URL will take you directly to our download page: Metadata for each of the layers is available here as well.

Can I get a copy of your “township” data?
The data is part of a digital representation of the Public Land Survey System (PLSS), and these data are not maintained by LOGIC. The PLSS data used in most of our mapping programs is referred to as the NM CadNSDI (Cadastral National Spatial Data Infrastructure) Publication data set and is available from the New Mexico Resource GIS (RGIS) Program.  Data can also be obtained from BLM’s Navigator website.

In general, the base cartographic data and base imagery used in our mapping programs and in our online mapping applications isn’t available from LOGIC, since we aren’t the stewards of these data. RGIS is New Mexico’s geospatial data clearinghouse and is the source of much of the geospatial data used by the State Land Office.

What is the coordinate system of your downloadable data?
Our geospatial data is in the Universal Transverse Mercator projection, Zone 13, on the North American Datum of 1983 (WKID 26913).  This information is available within the metadata complement that accompanies each data set. The metadata complement is viewable from our GIS Data Download page in HTML format.

What is metadata and why do I need it?
Metadata is often referred to as “data about data.” It is important information about a data set that allows users to better understand the data and use it more effectively. The metadata complement of our data sets will include, among other things, information about how the data set was built and maintained, its coordinate system, what the attributes mean, and who to contact for further information.


When is the “Active Oil and Gas Leases” data set updated?
Active oil and gas lease data are exported from the ONGARD database and processed into a GIS feature class every morning.  By 6:15 a.m. MT, the data is available for download from the GIS Data Download web page and to view in the online mapping services.  Any lease changes that occurred on the previous day will be available the following morning.

Do you offer map data of the tracts included in the upcoming lease sale?
At this time, we don’t offer these data for download. However, we are working in that direction and hope to offer these data in the near future.

I’d like to obtain a copy of the oil and gas well data used in your online mapping applications. Can you provide these data?
These data are not available for download from the State Land Office. You may obtain well data from the Oil Conservation Division’s GIS web page at


How do I use your web mapping services?
There is a User’s Guide that describes the tools and functionality of the web mapping services.  Links to the User’s Guide are available from the main GIS web page (Interactive Maps page) and on the far-right side of the title bar within each of the mapping services.  The document can also be accessed directly from

Can I print a map from the public map service?
Yes, there is a Print tool located at the bottom of the tools within in the left panel (below the legend). Page 14 of the User’s Guide explains how to obtain a printable map.

The legend in the printed map is shifted. How can I fix this?
There appears to be a bug in the server software regarding this issue. A smaller legend is properly placed within the map. Go to the Layers tool and uncheck any layer that isn’t present in the map view or not necessary for your purposes. The smaller legend will present correctly within the map. See page 7 of the User’s Guide to learn how to turn layers on and off.

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Lease Sale Process

The State Land Office offers tracts for oil and gas leasing the third Tuesday of every month.  Tracts are leased through a competitive sealed or oral bid process.  To bid, you must have an OGRID number; if you do not have one; contact Veronica Gonzales at (505) 476-4538. Sealed bids must be submitted with payment prior to the lease sale; oral bidding is conducted at the lease sale.  Full directions and the bid application form can be found in the monthly lease sale notice.

Anyone can nominate available tracts for offer at the lease sale.  To nominate, send an email to Allison Marks, Director, at  To find out which tracts are available, use the Oil and Gas Interactive Map.


Lease Sale Results