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310 Old Santa Fe Trail,
Santa Fe NM 87501


Welcome to LOGIC (Land Office Geographic Information Center)

We support the New Mexico State Land Office relating to geospatial technologies. The Center’s mission is to provide geospatial information and analytical capabilities of the highest quality in support of the agency’s land management and business activities. We also provide increasingly robust public access to the geospatial resources developed at the State Land Office and welcome user feedback. If you have questions, comments or suggestions, please contact us at

General Land Status

The General Land Status mapping application provides an overview of state trust lands, federal surface ownership, and the leasing activities taking place on state trust lands.

Oil, Gas, and Minerals

The Oil, Gas, and Minerals mapping application provides an in-depth view of extraction activities on state trust lands. This includes lease information, well locations, unit agreement boundaries, participating areas within units, and geological information. For queries by Production Unit Number (PUN), please see the Royalty Pun Inquiry page.

Hunting Information

The Hunting Information map service provides information about hunting on state trust lands, locating access to trust lands and camping areas, game management units, and hunting restrictions and closures.

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Lease Sale Process

The State Land Office offers tracts for oil and gas leasing the third Tuesday of every month.  Tracts are leased through a competitive sealed or oral bid process.  To bid, you must have an OGRID number; if you do not have one; contact Veronica Gonzales at (505) 476-4538. Sealed bids must be submitted with payment prior to the lease sale; oral bidding is conducted at the lease sale.  Full directions and the bid application form can be found in the monthly lease sale notice.

Anyone can nominate available tracts for offer at the lease sale.  To nominate, send an email to Allison Marks, Director, at  To find out which tracts are available, use the Oil and Gas Interactive Map.


Lease Sale Results