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FAQs – Mineral Resources

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  4. FAQs - Mineral Resources
Do you need some help?

The quickest way to reach us is to contact us through the contact form on the website.

310 Old Santa Fe Trail,
Santa Fe NM 87501


How do I get a mineral lease?

Application forms for Industrial Mineral Leases (Sand & Gravel, Borrow Dirt, Stone, Caliche, etc.) are available on the Minerals Forms page.  We can also send you a copy of the State Land Office rules and application forms pertaining to the particular type of mineral extraction you want to engage in.  Click here to view the Minerals Staff Directory.

For any other questions you may have about the mining for minerals (other than oil and gas) on state trust lands, please contact the Minerals Leasing Manager, Bryan Victor, at (505) 827-5743.

Which rules apply to the various minerals available on the state trust land?

Please see Mineral Rules.

Where in New Mexico are the state trust lands and the federal public lands?

A State of New Mexico map showing surface ownership is available from the federal Bureau of Land Management.

Our State Land Office Records Management office can help you if you know the legal land description (Section, Township, and Range) for a piece of land in which you are interested. Please be sure to check the mineral ownership for any tract on which you are interested in mining. Please note that the lands under the stewardship of the State Land Office are referred to as state trust land, not “public” land. The federal Bureau of Land Management manages public land.

For any other questions you may have about mining for minerals (other than oil and gas) occurring on state trust lands, please contact the Minerals Leasing Manager, Bryan Victor, at (505) 827-5743.

I own land in New Mexico. How do I find out if the Land Office owns the mineral rights?

Please contact our Records Management division at (505) 827-7984

How do I find out if I own mineral rights?

Contact your County Tax Assessors Office

Have I paid my rent?

Visit the State Land Office data access web page and click on billing Information. You will need to enter your lease number in the appropriate boxes.

How do I get a bond?

Download the Bond Instruction Sheet. If you have additional questions, please contact our minerals division at (505) 827-5786.

How do I assign my general mining lease to another company?

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Lease Sale Process

The State Land Office offers tracts for oil and gas leasing the third Tuesday of every month.  Tracts are leased through a competitive sealed or oral bid process.  To bid, you must have an OGRID number; if you do not have one; contact Veronica Gonzales at (505) 476-4538. Sealed bids must be submitted with payment prior to the lease sale; oral bidding is conducted at the lease sale.  Full directions and the bid application form can be found in the monthly lease sale notice.

Anyone can nominate available tracts for offer at the lease sale.  To nominate, send an email to Allison Marks, Director, at  To find out which tracts are available, use the Oil and Gas Interactive Map.


Lease Sale Results