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Hunting Access Information

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310 Old Santa Fe Trail,
Santa Fe NM 87501


State Land Office Hunter Camping Policy
Luera Mountain Backpacking Program
White Peak Camping Information

In March 2020, the State Land Office (NMSLO) and the New Mexico Game Commission (NMGC) entered into an agreement that provides access to hunting on 8.8 million acres of state trust lands for hunters with a valid license from the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. The agreement created a pilot program to identify more expanded and permanent opportunities for licensed hunters to camp on state trust lands. Commissioner Garcia Richard has expanded opportunities in the White Peak area, Game Management Unit 48, relying on recommendations from NMSLO working groups—comprised of sportspeople, agricultural lessees and NMDGF representatives—to ensure the program addresses the needs and concerns of all relevant stakeholders. For more information call 505-827-5760.

NOTE: The Wet Meadow campground will remain closed for the 2023 hunting season.

Unit 48 Dispersed Camping Expansion Map




The New Mexico State Land Office, in cooperation with the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, authorizes licensed hunters, anglers and trappers to access certain State Trust Lands.  This authorization extends to all state trust lands except those lands which have been withdrawn from this authorization due to an incompatible use.  The State Trust Lands Hunting Information Interactive Map is intended for reference only.  By using the link below and entering the map viewer, you agree to the following:

1. The New Mexico State Land Office makes no representations and assumes no responsibility or liability for, or in connection with the accuracy, reliability, or use of the information provided herein.  You are responsible for performing your own diligence in verifying whether specific State Trust Lands remain open for authorized hunting, fishing, or trapping activities.  Additional information is available through the records of the State Land Office and the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish.

2. Access to some State Trust Lands may be limited.  You are solely responsible for verifying the availability of access to state trust lands and you may be subject to prosecution or penalty for trespass if attempting to access state trust lands through private land or other use-restricted property without permission.

Easement Agreement with the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish for access on State Trust Lands

State Trust Lands Unitization

To assure access and create larger, definable hunting areas, hunting and trapping privileges on some state trust lands have been exchanged for the same privileges on private land. These ranches are posted with signs advising that the private land has been unitized. Watch for these signs and contact the landowner if you have any question about the location of the land open to public use.

If You Are Denied Access

The right of entry to state trust land is assured if access is available by public road (defined in Section 67-2-1, NMSA 1978) or on other established roads on State Trust Land that have not been closed to vehicular traffic. Access is also allowed on foot from roads mentioned above or from adjacent public and private lands that have been lawfully accessed. 

If you are denied access to State Trust Land during the appropriate seasons, record complete details including the location, date, time, and names of parties involved, and contact one of the following:

CarryMap Application

The Land Office has joined the NMDGF and the BLM to offer mobile maps of New Mexico’s big-game hunting units, hunting access points and more through the CarryMap Application. This unique application allows users to store hunting unit maps on their mobile devices and access them regardless of cellular coverage. Please see the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish website for more information regarding the CarryMap as well as land access information.

Frequently asked Questions & Answers

What is the function of the Surface Resources Division?

Surface Resources manages programs dealing with watershed health, site remediation, illegal dumping, prescribed fire, wildlife management, cultural resources, agricultural leasing, and outdoor recreation. The staff supports other State Land Office divisions with field reviews and data analysis for programs including rights-of-way, minerals management, oil and gas frontier nominations, business leases and land exchanges.

How do hunters access state trust land?

A valid hunting, fishing, or trapping license allows for access onto state trust land through the State Land Office’s easement agreement with the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. Access is only allowed during the ongoing hunt for that specific area, and it also allows for scouting access up to 14 days prior to the hunt. Fishing is allowed on state trust land year round with a valid fishing license.

Where can hunters access state trust land?

Hunters can access state trust land through any of the access points noted on the hunting information map here. These are points that have been identified by the Department of Game and Fish and the State Land Office as locations that hunters can access state trust land by vehicle. These points should have orange access signs at entrance points, and gates should be opened or unlocked during any open season, plus a seven–day scouting period prior to the start of the season for which the license applies.

Signed access points are not the only points of access onto state trust land. Hunters can access state trust land by any other legal means such as via a public road or with the written permission from the surface lessee when no public road access exists. Licensees can also enter onto state trust land by foot by crossing any fence that they can legally get to (for example, a highway ROW fence or from adjacent public land).

Can I camp on state trust land?

Camping is allowed on trust land either with the written permission of the surface lessee or under the terms of the State Land Office’s easement agreement with the New Mexico Department of Game & Fish, here. For more information, call 505-827-5729.

What restrictions are there on hunting on state trust land?

You can only enter state trust land for hunting during the season for which the license applies plus a 14 day scouting period prior to that season. You can only take an unprotected species (coyotes, prairie dogs, feral hogs) subsequent to your ongoing hunt. There is no license for unprotected species, so they are not covered by the current easement with the Department of Game and Fish. You cannot enter state trust land only to hunt unprotected species.

No off-road travel is allowed on state trust land. ATVs and other off-road vehicles (OHVs) are only allowed on established roads and must comply with all other laws associated with OHVs use, here.

Who do I contact if I encounter a locked gate on state trust land during hunting season?

Under the Game and Fish easement, during hunting season, state trust land that is accessible by public road is open for hunting. If you encounter a locked gate on state trust land that you think should be open, please contact the nearest District Resource Manager here. We also encourage you to complete and submit the State Land Office’s Multiple-Use Incident Reporting form to document and address any problems you encounter, here.


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Lease Sale Process

The State Land Office offers tracts for oil and gas leasing the third Tuesday of every month.  Tracts are leased through a competitive sealed or oral bid process.  To bid, you must have an OGRID number; if you do not have one; contact Veronica Gonzales at (505) 476-4538. Sealed bids must be submitted with payment prior to the lease sale; oral bidding is conducted at the lease sale.  Full directions and the bid application form can be found in the monthly lease sale notice.

Anyone can nominate available tracts for offer at the lease sale.  To nominate, send an email to Allison Marks, Director, at  To find out which tracts are available, use the Oil and Gas Interactive Map.


Lease Sale Results