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Roswell Flood June 2021

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  2. Roswell Flood June 2021
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310 Old Santa Fe Trail,
Santa Fe NM 87501


Roswell Levy Breech – Satellite Imagery via Planet Labs



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Lease Sale Process

The State Land Office offers tracts for oil and gas leasing the third Tuesday of every month.  Tracts are leased through a competitive sealed or oral bid process.  To bid, you must have an OGRID number; if you do not have one; contact Veronica Gonzales at (505) 476-4538. Sealed bids must be submitted with payment prior to the lease sale; oral bidding is conducted at the lease sale.  Full directions and the bid application form can be found in the monthly lease sale notice.

Anyone can nominate available tracts for offer at the lease sale.  To nominate, send an email to Allison Marks, Director, at  To find out which tracts are available, use the Oil and Gas Interactive Map.


Lease Sale Results